Conan fighting a giant bat

Complete list of Conan pastiche novels

With over fifty to choose from, which is your favourite? And which books really count?

Although the venerated Robert E. Howard only wrote 20 original Conan stories, one novel and several fragments or unfinished stories, there have been a slew of other authors writing about the Barbarian from Cimmeria.

Some of those books are great, some are most certainly not. It also gets quite confusing. There are many books from many publishers available.

I’ve read or listened to the original stories at least four or five times each (and some many more). Craving more Conan goodness, I decided to make it my mission to make my way through all of the pastiche works.

What is a pastiche?

In case you’ve not heard the term before, a ‘pastiche‘ is a work that imitates another’s style, often as a tribute.

In Conan’s case, it refers to stories by later authors mimicking Howard’s style (or at least attempting to).

Until now, I’ve found no definitive list of purely Conan NOVELS by other authors. The wiki page lists all Conan books available, and that’s where it gets messy.

Some books look like novels but are in fact collections of short stories.

I’ve been slowly collecting the books as they become available on ebay and other places, and a lot are ‘double-dipping’, to steal the term from the comic world.

For example, Conan the Usurper looks like any of the others here, but is actually a collection of four short stories by Robert E. Howard and edited or revised by Sprague de Camp.

So it doesn’t make the list.

Likewise, of the three books pictured below, although they look similar, only one makes this list (Conan the Mercenary).

The Swordsman is another collection of pastiche short stories (a list of which will come soon), and Conan the Warrior is a collection of stories from REH (and therefore cannot be described as pastiches or novels).

3 Conan books in a row

So this list will focus purely on the pastiche novels.

To be honest, the quality of the pastiches varies greatly. In another post I will rate the best and worst that I’ve read so far.

If you’re looking for a good place to start, I highly recommend John Maddox Roberts.

Although I don’t think his Conan is 100% like REH’s Conan (he’s generally more amiable), the books are fast-paced page-turners with a real sense of excitement and urgency.

The Road of Kings by Karl Edward Wagner is also an excellent read.

I enjoyed it so much and it’s a real shame that he only ever wrote the one Conan novel. The prose is incredible, almost poetic, (much like REH) and Conan is a brooding killer thinking of ways to nullify potentially problematic situations before they even arise.

But it might not be the best place to start, because it’s so hard to top!

So, without further ado: all the pastiches novels to date, in order of author.

Complete List of Conan pastiche novels

AuthorTitlePublication Year
Andrew J. OffuttConan and the Sorcerer1978
Andrew J. OffuttThe Sword of Skelos1979
Andrew J. OffuttConan the Mercenary1980
Björn NybergThe Return of Conan1957
Harry TurtledoveConan of Venarium2003
James LovegroveCult of the Obsidian Moon2024
John C. HockingConan and the Emerald Lotus1995
John C. HockingConan and the Living Plague2024
John Maddox RobertsConan the Valorous1985
John Maddox RobertsConan the Champion1987
John Maddox RobertsConan the Marauder1988
John Maddox RobertsConan the Bold1989
John Maddox RobertsConan the Rogue1991
John Maddox RobertsConan and the Treasure of Python1993
John Maddox RobertsConan and the Manhunters1994
John Maddox RobertsConan and the Amazon1995
Karl Edward WagnerConan: The Road of Kings1979
L. Sprague de CampConan and the Spider God1980
L. Sprague de Camp & Lin CarterConan the Liberator1979
L. Sprague de Camp, Lin Carter & Björn NybergConan the Swordsman1978
Leonard CarpenterConan the Renegade1986
Leonard CarpenterConan the Raider1986
Leonard CarpenterConan the Warlord1988
Leonard CarpenterConan the Hero1989
Leonard CarpenterConan the Great1990
Leonard CarpenterConan the Outcast1991
Leonard CarpenterConan the Savage1992
Leonard CarpenterConan of the Red Brotherhood1993
Poul AndersonConan the Rebel1980
Robert JordanConan the Invincible1982
Robert JordanConan the Defender1982
Robert JordanConan the Unconquered1983
Robert JordanConan the Triumphant1983
Robert JordanConan the Magnificent1984
Robert JordanConan the Victorious1984
Roland GreenConan the Valiant1988
Roland GreenConan the Guardian1991
Roland GreenConan the Relentless1992
Roland GreenConan and the Gods of the Mountain1993
Roland GreenConan and the Mists of Doom1995
Roland GreenConan and the Death Lord of Thanza1997
S. M. StirlingConan: Blood of the Serpent2022
Sean A. MooreConan the Hunter1994
Sean A. MooreConan and the Shaman’s Curse1996
Sean A. MooreConan and the Grim Grey God1996
Steve PerryConan the Fearless1986
Steve PerryConan the Defiant1987
Steve PerryConan the Indomitable1989
Steve PerryConan the Free Lance1990
Steve PerryConan the Formidable1990
Steve PerryConan the Hunter1994

Talking of pastiches, here’s a mini-review of Red Sonja: Consumed by Gail Simone.

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